
Luxferov modules can also be applied in contexts that require large amounts of energy such as industrial plants or large public services. They’re particularly suitable for industries that use great amounts of hot water such as Dairy factories, Tanneries and Food Industries.

As far as dairy factories are concerned, for example, there’s a perfect match between the factory’s energy requirements and the peculiarities of the Dual Energy module. In fact via the use of a heat pump, it generates both hot water for processing mozzarella cheese more efficiently, thanks to the heat generated by the panels, and it generates refrigeration for refrigerators where the milk is stored. The majority, if not all of the energy (depending on the sizing of the system) needed in this cycle, is produced by the photovoltaic system and via proper programming of the thermal cycles. And by using stored water you can maximize consumption, making it an extremely profitable system.

Companies that use the Luxferov Dual Energy system can significantly reduce their energy costs, both electrical and water heating, and reduce their impact on the environment.

Luxferov has considerable experience in the engineering of energy solutions for companies and industries. Don’t hesitate to ask for an energy audit via the contact form.


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